Joe John Adams came to Dade County, Georgia in 1910, from Bridgeport, Alabama where he was born in 1892. He was the oldest of four children of William A. and Frances Lyda Adams. He was educated in the Bridgeport schools and began work as a telegraph operator with the N.C. & St. L. Railway when he was seventeen years of age. His first employment after leaving Bridgeport was at Summit, an office that was referred to as the “Tower,” in Marion County, Tennessee, near the Georgia line, in Dade County. The “Tower” has since been removed.


While working there he boarded with the John T. Martin family in Hooker, Georgia, where romance developed between him and Etta Martin, daughter of John T. On November 21, 1911 Etta and Joe John were married. They had been classmates in school in Bridgeport some time before 1910.


He continued to work with the railroad company for many years, which included offices at Stevenson, Alabama; Bass, Alabama; and Whiteside, Tennessee, and at each job he and Etta lived in the town near the office.


Then in March 1916, he decided to leave the railroad and farm—which he did, in Hooker, Georgia, for several years.


In June 1992, he was employed as a telegraph operator by the Western Union Telegraph Company, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he worked until he retired on February 1, 1952. He continued to live in Hooker, Georgia until his death on May 1, 1968.


He was a member of the Methodist Church for many years, working faithfully, and was Sunday School Superintendent, and also served in other offices in the Hooker church and in the district.


The Dade County schools were of much interest to him. He served as Trustee for North Dade Elementary from the year 1930 through 1954.


Joe John and Etta reared four children: Mary Clouse, Daphne Eaves, Nell F. Wofford, and J. John, Jr. Their grandchildren are: William T., Jr., and E. Gary Clouse, Donnie Eaves, Carolyn Williams, Peggy Hopkins, Teresa Henley, and Larry and Eric Adams, James W. Hamill and Judy Hicks. A granddaughter, Verena Grace Adams, is deceased.


Information given by Mary Clouse. (Used by permission HISTORY OF DADE COUNTY, GEORGIA, Retired Senior Volunteer Program, 1981)

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